
Yesterday, I came across a short essay about blogs on Matt Gemmell’s site. He questions the term “blog” and challenges the way we talk about blogs.

The whole thing is fabulous, but one thing stood out to me especially:

So what is a blog, exactly? I have no idea - and I think the question is irrelevant. The deeper issue is what your own work means to you.

I’ve had this site since 2007 and have been writing sporadically for the last 8 years. I started writing daily a few weeks ago specifically because I wanted to get more serious about writing. And for me, part of that means setting and sticking to a schedule.

But my site is a hodgepodge of randomness. Most of the time, it’s design. A typeface rollout. A Creative Cloud tip here and there. And scattered thoughts on fountain pens, science fiction, cars, sports and Columbia.

As a creative professional, I’ve struggled with how to focus all these things. How do I structure this randomness? But after I read Matt’s essay, I realized that I don’t need to give it structure. This site is a reflection of my projects and interests.

And I really need to embrace that.