Finding that blogging rhythm

It's amazing how a schedule change can disrupt your rhythm. When summer started, our family's whole routine changed. My wife is a teacher so as the school year ended, she was no longer waking up at 5:15 to get ready and I'm now the first one up. The kids have camps and programs. My daughter started playing lacrosse. I attended a conference. My wife attended a conference. We've tried to squeeze some vacation days into our busy schedule. Our air conditioner died and it's 100 degrees every single day. I'm trying to exercise more. And just like that, I'm not writing.

Now don't get me wrong... I'm having a blast this summer. But it's times like this I realize how challenging it is to blog* consistently. I've had Sketchbook B since 2007 and I'm still trying to find a consistent rhythm. It makes me really appreciate people who blog daily or weekly without fail for years on end.

I'm working on some projects this summer and so posting will continue to be erratic until fall. One of those projects is figuring out where I want to go with this blog over the next few years. What types of things do I enjoy writing about and how do I want to structure things? What does my audience look like and what do I want it to look like? Do I want to have ads? How do I use social media to promote posts? How do I improve the photography on the site? 

I'm looking forward to finding that focus that I've been missing. And hopefully finally finding a new rhythm.

* I try to avoid the words "blog" and "post," but sometimes, it's the most appropriate word to use.